Murrieta Bicycle Accident Lawyers

Representing Bicycle Accident Victims in Riverside County
No matter how careful you are, bicycle-related accidents can still happen. When representing victims of accidental bicycle injuries, the Maineri Law Firm will discuss your case with healthcare professionals to understand the cause and the medical implications of your injuries. We also work closely with professionals who specialize in accident reconstruction to determine liability, and fight vigorously on every victim’s behalf to secure the compensation they deserve.
At the Maineri Law Firm, we question every eyewitness and investigate each and every detail. We understand that both the witnesses’ recollections, as well as the on-site evidence, can fade or become useless very quickly following any roadside accident or any traffic collision. Therefore, it is important that you contact us as soon as possible so that we can start working immediately to secure crucial evidence and record witnesses’ statements.
How To Handle Bicycle Accidents?
Whether you are a seasoned professional or a new bicyclist, anyone can be injured in a bicycle accident. Therefore, it is imperative to know how to handle such situations. First, you must get your bicycle accident injuries treated right away. Some bicycle injuries may not be visible immediately or may be more serious than they initially appear. That’s why a medical checkup is necessary after a bicycle accident even if your injuries are seemingly mild. More importantly, you must not leave the accident scene unless absolutely necessary.
If you are injured, ask for an ambulance to get emergency treatment right away. Don’t forget to keep your medical treatment documents safe with you as proof and record of the bicycle accident injuries. If these symptoms do not go away, maintain a daily record of your symptoms to document the seriousness and long-term implications of your injuries.
Why Gathering Evidence After A Bicycle Accident Is Necessary
A police report is the best and most official way of identifying and documenting the involved parties after a bicycle accident. Therefore, you should call the police at the accident site as soon as possible. In addition to recording the statements of both parties, the police will also question eyewitnesses to write an official report. It is crucial that you speak to one of the police officers at the scene to ensure that your side of the story is documented in the police report. Even though the police officers are writing a report, don’t forget to document your own evidence. Photograph the accident scene and the extent of the damage to your bicycle or the other party’s vehicle. Take pictures of your injuries and any scattered debris following the incident. Also, make a note of any signs that could demonstrate any laws that were broken by the driver which led to the incident. Ask any eyewitnesses to briefly describe what they saw, and get their contact details so that your attorney can contact them if necessary.
Why Is It Important To Contact An Attorney After Bicycle Accidents?
After filing a police report, contact your attorney without delay. Bicycle accidents often require dealing with the other party’s insurance company. However, you should not talk to them without the presence of – or prior consultation with a bicycle accident attorney. Insurance company representatives often attempt to make you wrongly admit fault or coax you into settling for a considerably lesser amount than you should rightfully receive. Dealing with insurance companies after a bicycle accident, while you are still recovering from the shock and emotional trauma of the event, is not recommended. Allow an experienced bicycle injury attorney to handle the matter for you.
Bicycle-Related Accidents Are Commonly Due To Driver Negligence
California state law allows bicycle accident victims to receive compensation for their medical treatment and injury-related expenses when they are injured due to the negligence of others on the road. According to research, a large number of bicycle accidents are caused by:
- speeding
- distracted drivers
- drivers swerving across lanes
- running a red traffic light or a stop sign
- driving while under alcohol or any drug’s influence
An Experienced Law Firm Can Hold Negligent Drivers Accountable
Many accidents occur when drivers turn left and do not give way to bicyclists. All drivers must give adequate space to other vehicles, bicycles, or motorcycles, on the road. Another reason for bicycle accidents is when motorists open their car doors without checking for any oncoming vehicle or bicycle. Although this may not seem serious, the impact of a bicyclist’s head or other body parts hitting a vehicle’s door can cause severe, even life-threatening injuries. Bicycle riders are also often hit by automobile drivers who miscalculate the distance between them while passing and collide with the bicyclist as a result. Legally, all motorists must share the road space with other drivers and bicyclists. However, drivers sometimes become impatient and injure bicyclists while trying to pass them. In such cases, they would be considered responsible for any injuries or property damage to the bicycle rider.
Bicycle Accident – Who To Blame?
Police officers and insurance company personnel are most often tasked with determining which party’s negligence caused an accident. Like other drivers on the road, bicyclists must also follow the road rules. Therefore, if an accident is caused by a bicycle rider failing to follow traffic laws, they could be held liable. If you are injured in a bicycle accident in California, contact the Maineri Law Firm. For over two decades, we have been seeking justice and maximum compensation for bicyclists that are injured by someone else’s negligence. If another person’s negligence has turned your life upside down, we are ready to help you in seeking justice.
Maineri Law Firm Has Over 20 Years Of Experience Fighting On Behalf Of Bicycle Injury Victims
If a negligent driver injures you while you are riding a bicycle, make sure you are represented by a law firm that is devoted to fighting for justice for bicycle accident victims. The Maineri Law Firm has extensive experience handling catastrophic motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck or bus accidents, bicycle-related accidents, pedestrian accidents, dog bites, premises liability, and slip-and-fall accidents. The California legal system and insurance company representatives can be intimidating. Don’t worry, let the Maineri Law Firm deal with them on your behalf to ensure that your voice is heard, and the negligent driver is held responsible. We handle personal injury claims on a contingency basis, so you won’t have to pay any fees until a verdict or settlement has been awarded. California has a statute of limitations which applies in these cases. This means that there is a time limit for filing claims regarding personal injury. Therefore, you should not delay in seeking legal help if you are injured by a negligent driver. To arrange a free consultation, fill out our online form or call 951-698-4200.